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SELMA Resource Centre

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System Users

Navigate to Settings (Cog) -> System Users Manage and add users from the ‘Users’ Grid/Index Add a User You can add a user by clicking on the green ‘Plus’ button and fill in at least the name, email and role. The click Save. Depending on your system configuration, the newly created user will get an …

User Index & Search

SELMA has three base types of users within the system – Registrar / Admin / Tutor. You can set their permissions within the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Interface. Please refer to the article here. This post focusses on the User Index and Search functionalities. Grids are used often within SELMA and provides a functional, …

My Profile

Your SELMA profile can be accessed by clicking on your name in the right corner of the main navigation bar – Contact Details To view or edit your contact details click on Profile and then on the Contact Details tab. Click on the green pencil to edit – Notifications You can view your system notification …