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Print Diplomas & Transcripts

Complete Enrolments You can manually generate diplomas, and transcripts (statement of attainments) from the enrolment screen. Glick the function button and choose Diploma/Certificate or Transcript: The PDF will open (certificate only if enrolment is completed) and you can print it or download it. Please talk to our support team for different diploma and transcript designs: …

Withdraw Enrolments

To withdraw a learner, go to the learner’s enrolment and click on the functions button. Choose the option “Status Wizard”: The status wizard will open. From here you can choose the status “Withdrawn” which will enable all withdrawal relevant entries such as data and reason: Once completed, click the Submit button. On the Results Information …

Complete Enrolments

Note that you can setup completion workflows that complete enrolments automatically when the criteria’s are met. This article is for manual processing of completions: When an enrolment has met all criteria’s to be completed, you may go and complete the enrolment for a student. The pre-requisite to complete enrolments is that all mandatory components are …