New Features and Improvements
Reporting and Data Management
- Grid Report Role Limits: Added management controls for grid reports:
- Registrar users can set which roles have access to specific grid reports
- New “view” permission controls visibility and functionality
- Users with manage permission automatically have access to all grid reports
- Data Warehouse: Implemented direct export of reports to data warehouses:
- Supports async export of GridReports and ReportBuilderReports to CSV format
- Includes filters and real-time status notifications via Broker Event system
User Management
- Student and Contact Portal User Management: Improved management of Student Users with ability to impersonate Students through the actions dropdown.
- Form Deletion and Archival: Forms can now be deleted or archived based on their existing status or submission count.
Import and Data Entry
- Import Functionality: Added comprehensive import tools:
- Class Import: Create classes with basic details, dates, and Component links
- Class Timetable Import: Import session schedules including rooms and attendance requirements
- Enrolment Class Link Import: Link enrolments to classes
- All imports include data validation and correction tools
Enrolment Management
- Intake Transfer: Added ability to transfer enrolments between intakes:
- Access via action dropdown on enrolment page
- Options to transfer unpaid fees/draft payments
- Options to add fees from target intake
- Component selection with validation for completion status
- Redirects to updated enrolment page after successful transfer
Cloud Assess Improvements
- Added button to sync only the intake to Cloud Assess (excluding enrolments)
- Fixed case sensitivity issue with email lookup when linking accounts
Timetable Management
- Backfill Sessions on Edit: Added ability to generate attendance registers for specific sessions regardless of date:
- Edit the session in timetable view
- Use the ‘Generate Session Attendance’ button (arrows rotating icon)
Other Improvements
- Fix Spelling Error: Corrected spellings and descriptions in various places.
- Integration Placeholders and Logos: Improved support.
- Email Event: Added default setting to show in Student Portal.
- Marking Screen: Improved dropdown lists to exclude deleted Intakes.
- Student API: Added Portal User section.
Bug Fixes
UI and Interface
- Rerun Grid Report Bug: Fixed issue where quick search was duplicating when re-running a grid report. Search functionality is now maintained without duplication.
- Roles and Permissions Table: Fixed child tree toggle to prevent it from submitting the form.
- Student ID Display: Fixed UI bug where Student ID was displaying as UUID after form submission.
- Inactive Curriculum Items: Fixed default display of inactive curriculum items.
- International Icon: Fixed issue where International Icon was breaking the screen.
- Alert Navigation Buttons: Improved visibility of alert buttons on light modes.
- Comms Template: Fixed loading issue in invoice.
Forms and Validation
- Validation Manager: Fixed regression bug that prevented creation of new validation rules.
- Unable to Build Programme Rule: Fixed issues with Completion Workflow Rule building.
- Enrol from Intake – Search: Fixed issue where searching for a student cleared the Selected students list. DualListbox now stores selected values during search.
- Microsoft Integration: Fixed issue that prevented some users from linking their Microsoft 365 account on their SELMA profile.
- Cloud Assess – Refresh Programme/Unit List: Fixed the refresh button to trigger properly on click in the inline editing form.
- Timetable Session Creation: Fixed invalid error message that appeared when setting both the campus and room on a timetable session.
- Timezone Check for Dates: Fixed timezone-related issue that prevented timetable sessions from being created on the start date of an intake, class, or enrolment.
- Attendance Generator: Fixed issue where attendance registers weren’t generated for sessions with start dates too far in the past or future.
Components and Curriculum
- Class – Subject Search by Code: Improved component addition to classes by including component code in dropdown text, enabling code-based searching.
- Propagate Components: Fixed NZ compliance values not propagating from components to intake components when an intake was created.
- EPI Bug Fixes: Applied various fixes.
- Report Builder Subscription: Applied bugfix.